Welcome to Nature Badge

Home to youth learning and fun through an “inter-connecte web” of exciting stories, information and useful products!

Responsible Civic-Ecology Sustainability

Nature Badge has been created to answer the biggest challenge of the 21st century: the collapse of ecosystems, from climate change and many other exponential-curve crises, which also creates increasing civic chaos. Nature Badge models responsible civic-ecology sustainability through popular eco-educational story modeling narrative, plus many exciting and useful products.

Youthful learners will become aware of the inter-connected web of life within “double-community:” human community plus nature community, with emphasis on learning the dynamic cycles of nature: energy cycle, mineral/ carbon cycle, water cycle, and plant + animal biodiversity cycle. The seven dynamic (revolving/ revolutionary) nature forces are depicted in our logo, centered on the hexagon of living carbon, all within a turning ring of gold-prosperity counterbalanced with green carbon regeneration for sustainability.

Nature Badge Products

The core Nature Badge product is an EcoOrganizer which includes a guided EcoJournal to help you explore nature, learn new vocabulary, take quizzes and earn badges.

1. EcoStories

Awesome Webbershire Chronicle book series, in marvelous reality literary genre, based in Webbershire, Colorado utopian double-community with humans living exciting lives in community in dynamic balance with their nature community.

2. EcoOrganizer/ Journal

Guided 7-forces nature exploration for learners to build their own exciting stories, to include photos and scrapbooking items.

3. EcoProducts

Backpack and dozens of “giftable” quality books, learning guides, scopes, bags, caps, scarves, accessories, toys, tent & puppets, games, party kits, and much more.

4. EcoLessons

Detailed and illustrated EcoSTEAM learning of nature, science and humanities concepts and vocabulary, to build critical thinking skills, and help earn badges.

5. EcoPrimers

Booklets with photos and descriptions of real-world examples of big-effect conservation, such as electric vehicles, solar homes, smart water use and regeneration of land.

6. EcoMastery

Competitive play and achievement through gaining points to earn dozens of badges and a passport over time.

7. EcoRestorations

Photos and captions of how 2% of all Nature Badge sales are used to make amazing improvements to springs and riparian systems in the arid Southwestern US.

Nature Badge models responsible civic-ecology through popular stories and products, so that youth become aware of the inter-connected web of life, which involves the dynamic cycles of the “7-forces of nature:”






